Monday, 24 February 2014


Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Generating and Focusing Tool (Term 1 Week 6)

Name: Afiq Prasanto                                                                                        Class: S104

Brainstorming Activity 1

Generate as many ideas as you can for the use of rubber bands (at least 30). Number each of your idea.

Use it in such a way that boys won’t have to go to the toilet so often
Ammo for wooden gun
To break guiness world records by making larger rubber band ball
Tie cloths to cover up taps for those too-much-pressure-gushing ones
Use it to attach spectacles
Use to make a toy catapult
Use it on your friends
Go for a role-play as rubber band wars with friends
Blind criminals
 Use it to hold scissors
 Use it to straighten stuff
 Use it for robotics to tie the wires up
 Use it to hold disattached stuff.
 Use it to tie hair
 Use it to make a toy bow
 Use it to make handles for plastic bags
 Use it to make handles for handbags with broken handles
 Use it to secure your takeaway kari
 Use it to secure your takeaway prata
 Use it to secure your takeaway nasi briyani/lemak
 Use it hold your plastic utensils
 Use it to tie pens together for taking them away without a pencil case
 Use it to play the traditional game (zero something)
 Use them to make skipping ropes
 Use them to play tug of war
 Use to fix broken glasses
 Use as a lame bracelet
 Use as a slingshot
 Use a lame necklace
 Use for enlightenment.

Paired Comparison Analysis Activity 1

Pick the top 4 ideas based on the criterion of innovativeness (different, most original, unique, feasible)

A. Use it in such a way that boys won’t have to go to the toilet so often
B. Blind criminals
C. Use it to play the traditional game
D. Use it to secure your takeaway kari

A vs B >  Winner 1 = A C vs D > Winner 2 =  C Winner 1 vs Winner 2 = A

Where do your top 4 ideas come from? Are they ideas from the beginning, middle or end, or all over?
All over

What gives you those ideas?

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